It's because you first loved me

Not the thing you do for me
not the thing you gave to me
is the reason I love you so
its because you first loved me
first loved me
first loved me
first loved me

not the life you've given me
not the days you guided me
is the reason I love you so
its because you first loved me
first loved me
first loved me
first loved me

You gave your life on calvary's tree
when I was lost you died for me
you gave me hold when I was down
and you gave me your strength to be who am I
Oh my Jesus !

And the reason I love you so
wow wow wow
And the reason I love you so
wow wow wow
And the reason I love you so

It's because you first loved me

Auteur du texte inconnu
chanté par un groupe gospel Danois en 1977
pas d'autres informations disponibles